W Does Shakespeare Construct Iago's Manipulation O

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How does Shakespeare construct Iago's manipulation of Othello (act 3 scene3) Demonstrating Shakespeare's depiction of Iago's masterly manipulation of language in order to seek his sworn revenge on Othello, Act 3 Scene 3 is the longest scene of 'Othello' and occurs in the middle of the play. This scene is the first instance throughout the play that illustrates Iago putting his plan to manipulate Othello's thoughts and feelings about his wife's innocence and fidelity into execution. It is essential that the audience find Iago's performance here to be convincing, so that they are able to believe that Othello's trust in Iago would not be doubted before that in his wife, and consequently do not lose interest in the play emotionally. Subtly introducing Iago's manipulative behaviour to this scene, Shakespeare conveys... ...increases, which allows Iago to indirectly plant suspicions in Othello's mind through his use of language; 'I cannot think it/ That he would steal away so guilty-like,/Seeing your coming.' Since Iago is responding to an enquiry made by Othello here, it appears that he is merely answering to his superior, rather than manipulating his thoughts. Thus Shakespeare has effectively conveyed Iago's intelligence and opportunistic nature within these few moments early on in this scene, as the manipulative villain manages to take advantage of a situation, using it to further his cause. A feigned reluctance to speak is a persuasive technique frequently demonstrated by Shakespeare in Iago's behaviour throughout this scene. For instance in his reply to Othello's query about the reason behind Iago's curiosity, he states 'But for satisfaction of my thought. No further harm'. His repeated repetition of Othello's words, for example 'Think, my Lord?', also proves to be extremely effective in evoking Othello's suspicions. In withholding his thoughts Iago appears to Othello
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