Volpone Essay

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Role and charectar of Volpone The Characters Analysis Volpone 1. Volpone is the protagonist of the play. His name means "The Fox" in Italian. Jonson usedhim as an instrument of satire of money-obsessed society, and he seems to share inJonson's satiric interpretation of the events. He is lustful, raffish, and greedy for pleasure.He is a creature of passion, continually looking to find and attain new forms of pleasure,whatever the consequences may be. He is also energetic and has an unusual gift for rhetoric. He worships his money, all of which he has acquired through cons, such as theone he plays on Voltore, Corbaccio, and Corvino. Volpone has no children, but he hassomething of a family: his parasite, Mosca, his dwarf, Nano, his eunuch, Castrone, andhis hermaphrodite, Androgyno. Mosca is his only true confidante. Volpone hates to makemoney through honest labour or cold, he loves making it in clever, deceitful ways. Thisdynamic in his character shapes our reaction to him throughout the play. At times, thishedonism seems fun, engaging, entertaining, and even morally valuable, such as when heis engaged in the con on his fortune hunters. But his attempted seduction of Celia revealsa darker side to his hedonism when it becomes an attempted rape. The incident makeshim, in the moral universe of the play, a worthy target of satire. Through the play, welearn that he is the one who makes the satire but the satire eventually turns back on him,when he becomes a victim of Mosca's "Fox-trap." The reason he is ensnared by Mosca isthat he cannot resist one final gloat at his dupes, oblivious to the fact that in doing so, hehands over his entire estate to Mosca. This lack of rational forethought and commitmentto his own sensual impulses is characteristic of Volpone. Therefore, he has threeweaknesses that might make his ‘plots’ fail: the first is his lust for Celia, the second is

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