Va Hospital Case Study

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1 The Healthcare-Based Dayton Veteran’s Hospital Review Gary M. Kidd Kaplan University 2 Hospital History and Classification The Dayton Veteran's hospital is one of the three oldest VA facilities, providing continuous…show more content…
Funding in VA Health Care Unlike private hospitals, which collect money from insurance companies, patients and other sources, VA hospitals are funded almost entirely through taxpayer dollars. Veteran’s hospitals do get reimbursed by outside sources—including veterans and their insurance companies—for certain medical expenses. However, these sources fund less than 10% of the VA’s total health-care budget (Yakowicz, 2006). VA Hospitals Verses Civilian Public and Private Hospitals Until the early 1990s, care at VA hospitals was so substandard that Congress considered shutting down the entire system and giving ex-G.I.s vouchers for treatment at private facilities. Today it's a very different story. The VA runs the largest integrated health-care system in the country, with more than 1,400 hospitals, clinics and nursing homes employing 14,800 doctors and 61,000 nurses. And by a number of measures, this government-managed health-care program--socialized medicine on a small scale--is beating the marketplace. Harvard University just gave the VA its Innovations in American Government Award for the agency's work in computerizing patient records (Waller,
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