Tortoise And The Hare

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Aesop’s fable, “The Tortoise and the Hare”, has been adapted by Ambrose Bierce and James Thurber who have created their own versions of this classic tale. The reason I say their own versions is because compared to Aesop’s original, the other two author’s fables differ from his in both in characters, how the race situated and in morals. In Aesop’s classic, only two characters are apart of the story, the tortoise and the hare; however, they are also included in the other two versions, that remains the same. What differs is the others, more characters are introduced. In Bierce’s, he added a twist by adding a fox into the story line. He used the fox as a judge for the race, because common knowledge, there has to be a biased individual who witnesses the race, one would hope. A dramatic difference in numbers of characters can be said for Thurber’s tale. In his lengthy tale, he includes many different animals, some of them include, a weasel, a bullfrog (the judge), and “a dachshund named Freddy” (Thurber), he was the only one who could outrun a hare. Also, in both Thurber’s and Aesop’s version, the tortoise and the hare take the gender of being male, meanwhile in Bierce’s, the tortoise remained male, however; the role of the hare is taken by a female. In the fable it states, “ ...the Hare at the top of her speed...” (Bierce). Each race begins in a different way for each fable. In Bierce’s, the Hare provokes the Tortoise into racing with her. That is possibly the reason he made the Hare a female, because they are stereotypically viewed as “know it alls”, just as the Hare is portrayed, “A Hare, having ridiculed the slow movements of a Tortoise...” (Bierce). In Thurber’s version, it all started with a “wise” Tortoise. Since he had read that a Tortoise has never lost to a hare, he went on a search for one. With this pride, the Tortoise pushed the Hare to race with him
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