To What Extent Is Blanche a Tragic Hero in ‘Streetcar Named Desire’?

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To what extent is Blanche a tragic hero in ‘Streetcar Named Desire’? Aristotle believed that a tragic hero could be summarised as a male of generally a high social standing (such as a king or a prince) who possessed a fatal flaw that would result in their downfall. Aristotle displayed this view of a traditional tragic hero in his book ‘Poetics’- a major work that discusses literary and dramatic theory. However, over time the stereotypical image of a tragic hero has transformed, for instance in 1949 the Arthur Miller essay ‘Tragedy and the Common Man’ contradicts Aristotle and states that tragedy can also portray ordinary people in a domestic environment. Williams’ play is an example of a modern tragedy and Blanche is a complex tragic hero, as she is embodying both the traditional aspects of a tragic hero, but also introducing the new ideologies simultaneously. Williams introduces glimpses of an Aristotelian tragic hero in Blanche’s entrance. Blanche initially appears to fulfil the criteria of nobility; her arrival in the shabby and deprived setting of New Orleans coupled with her reaction of surprise and disbelief, ‘this- can this- be her home?’ clearly highlights her incompatibility to the surroundings immediately. Williams includes stage directions that allow the reader to build up a strong idea of Blanche’s appearance: ‘Her appearance is incongruous to this setting,’ and her distinct mannerisms. She seems to be superior compared to her surroundings, virginal and demure due to her ‘Southern belle’ upbringing and these traits are obvious in her choice of attire: ‘She is daintily dressed in a white suit with a fluffy bodice, necklace and ear-rings of pearl, white gloves and hat...’ These are expensive garments that denote grandeur and wealth and ultimately purity. Hence, Blanche does display an aura of class and etiquette that is in line with a

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