To What Extent Does the Final Scene of Twelfth Night Muddle Our Expectations of How a Dramatic Comedy Should Be Resolved?

1896 Words8 Pages
Shakespeare, W (1999) Twelfth Night, Harlow Longman Jemma Sigee Word Count (without cover page) 1,876 To what extent does the final scene of Twelfth Night muddle our expectations of how a dramatic comedy should be resolved? Twelfth night is based upon the twelfth night of the Christmas holiday. In Shakespearean times, this holiday was celebrated as a festival in which everything was turned upside down – much like the upside – down, chaotic world of Illyria in the play. In Twelfth night we witness the typical conventions of a dramatic comedy where natural order is disturbed as the characters journey to discover themselves amongst all the chaos and confusion. As the play unfolds the audience do not gain any in depth knowledge of the characters, conclusions are made by the characters choices and attitudes. At the end of the play the characters end their self-discovery journeys and understand themselves further; a typical convention of a dramatic comedy. Although there are clear examples of the conventions of a Shakespearean dramatic comedy, aspects of the play how far it fufils the genre. A typical ending to a comedy would usually end in marriage and whilst there are obvious happy endings with couples getting together, there isn’t a definite marriage. We are left with un answered questions at the end of the play. Throughout the play Antonio has always been a serious character and introduces an element of danger to the somewhat safe and guarded play that we have witnessed so far. Having been a pirate and been arrested slightly adds a threatening side to him. However, an aspect of Antonio’s character does reflect some of the conventions of a dramatic comedy. Antonio is always talking about how he has strong feelings for Sebastian almost to the point where it appears he could think of Sebastian as more than a friend, fulfilling the homosexuality confusion

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