Themes in the Crucible

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In the crucible, many themes are presented. The nature of human beings is clearly personified in the dominant thesis Miller states in his play. Seemingly, the most predominant theme is hysteria and the importance of ones pride and reputation. Set in a demeaning society, intolerance also played a role in the witchcraft convictions. Leaving no room for distinction from the “normal” social aspect, intolerance presents itself as a principal theme in The Crucible. In a degrading society, moral laws and state laws were consequently identical. The topic of sin and an individuals’ soul are public concern. With no acceptable leeway from social standard, an individual’s private life whom did not meet the established laws represented, risked a peril to God and true religion as well as public acceptance. According to the people of Salem, everyone belongs to either God or the devil; there is no contended medium. Difference within oneself is degrading, which relates to the continuous trials of witchcraft. Danforth states: “A person is either with this court or he must be counted against it.” Being the terminal meaning of reestablishing the purity of Salem, the hanging of witches is a declaration of intolerance. The theme of hysteria also plays an important role in The Crucible. Hysteria leads the people of Salem to believe that those who were friends are executing witchery and associating themselves with the devil. The continuous accusations of witchery present the people of Salem with a chance to redeem long-term grudges. The abundant case of Abigail Williams uses the current situation to indict charges on Elizabeth Proctor, having her sent to jail. Not to be entirely blamed, Reverend Parries also pronounces his placement in society by accusing the people who question his authority. Hysteria can prosper from those who feed off of it. Suspending the rules of daily life and

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