The Use of Eyes in Macbeth

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Eyes, a Portal to the Soul What do you think of when you think of eyes? For many people, the answer is a portal to the soul. For William Shakespeare when he was writing Macbeth, there was no difference. He just knew how to write about it. From making eyes say good and bad to eyes being involved with telling the future, there is no doubt that Will ever forgot the saying “Eyes are the portal to the soul”. There are many points in Macbeth where eyes have positive meanings. When Macbeth is planning to kill Duncan, he had to “[b]ear welcome in [his] eye ...” (I.v.63) so he would not look suspicious. There are also times when eyes are used in place of sight, but still means positive things. When Ross is talking to Malcolm in England, he said “[y]our eye is Scotland would create soldiers...”(IV.iii.188) which is very positive. So eyes can easily be associated with positivity in Macbeth. Now, like positive meanings, eyes can also have dark meanings too. Times when the work eye is used in a negative way is just after Macbeth kills Duncan when he says “And pity, like a naked newborn babe,Striding the blast, or heaven’s cherubim, horsed Upon the sightless couriers of the air, Shall blow the horrid deed in every eye,That tears shall drown the wind”(I.vii,21) talking about people getting news that Macbeth considers bad. Also like good, eyes can be used in place of sight in negative situations, like when describing someone as “ ... pitiful to the eye ...”(IV.v.153).This makes for interesting situations, but there is still one other things eyes can do. Eyes are used in foreshadowing in Macbeth. Yes, the most important thing to the drama and suspense of this play and eyes play their roll there too. When the witches are showing Macbeth what's going to happen with Banquo's family the witches say “show his eyes and grieve his heart”(IV.i.109) as to say that is is not
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