The Role of Adversity

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The Role of Adversity In everyday life we are faced with hardships in which we have to overcome. When we overcome these hardships, our perception of life is altered and in turn we often change our own identity. One event of mass adversity and one’s path in life can be altered and their identity can change forever. For instance, after the fall of the twin towers, people’s lives around the world shifted and their identities forever changed. Everyone became more cautious and many had lost the trust of foreign societies, even society itself. This concept is modeled by William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, where immense adversity shapes the character of young Hamlet in his search for vengeance in his father’s name. In the play, Hamlet is first confronted with adversity when a ghost explains that his father was murdered by his uncle. This situation shifts his identity and forces the already mourning Hamlet into a deep depression where he is hell bent on revenge. At the start of the play, Shakespeare introduces Claudius as a wise and confidant ruler with no apparent flaw. He portrays himself to be mourning for the recent loss of his brother the prior king. As the play goes on, Hamlet learns of his father’s murder which causes him to act unusually. Claudius, sensing Hamlet’s change in character, employs his servants to spy on his nephew. His suspicion of Hamlet is only minor until he watches the play written by Hamlet. When Claudius watches the play in Act 3 and the actors are preforming the murder in the garden, his guilt that he had been able to conceal before becomes uncontrollable. This is the first event of adversity faced by Claudius’ character in the play. By exploiting his guilty conscience, Hamlet forces Claudius to change his character from being confident in his crime, to being worrisome about being exposed. This subtle event creates a secondary plot in which the king

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