The Red Scare

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The Red Scare 1. Introduction The Red Scare, a time of panic and trepidation. The fear of communism was at its highest point in history, with such things as McCarthy accusing people of communism and ruining many people careers. The nation was in a frenzy to find and terminate all of the communist and communist sympathizers, or in the very least to send them out of the country. Organizations such as the HUAC were corrupt and overflowing with power at the time, ruining lives for their own self indulgence. It was a time to be afraid of everyone and everything, because you never knew who might be a communist spy for Russia. O 2. Red Scare (first and second) The first red scare was brought about by the immense and widespread fear of Bolshevism…show more content…
His painting at Rockefeller called Man At The Crossroads, which depicted Vladimir Lenin leading men with red banners marching into the light of the new era, or communism, was very controversial at the time. His styles of painting changed the way the artistic world did things. Not only was this man a known communist, but he was also an atheist. In the year of 1929, after he returned from Moscow, Russia, he was expelled from the Mexican Communist Party due to his involvement in “anti-soviet” activities whilst in Moscow. After Rivera’s return to Mexico, he repainted Man At The Crossroad and renamed it Man, Controller of the Universe”at the Palicio De Bellas Artes in Mexico City, Mexico. Once again, Rivera was asked to come into the United States for one last time to paint a ten panel mural which was then and now called “Golden Gate International Exposition”, his salary was one thousand dollars (U.S. currency) per month and one thousand dollars to cover the travel expenses. Golden Gate International Exposition depicted two representations of Pflugers architectural structures, portraits of Kahlo, a wood carver whose name is Dudley C. Carter, as well as Paulette Goddard, who’s holding Rivera’s hand while the duo plants a white tree. While he was painting this mural, exposition attendees were able to watch him paint his…show more content…
They held political influence, while pointing out the good and the bad in the society and political systems of the era. Some of the organizations were merciless and unforgiving, such as the House of Un-American Activities Committee. People like Joseph McCarty were in power, and abusing their power at that. The Red Scare may have been a contributing factor to the up and coming cold war with russia. Times were tough, but we manage to make it through. These experiences of the past help us strengthen our future and keep us going. The Red Scare(s) were a frightening time for
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