The Overcoat Essay

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The Overcoat The overcoat is a short story written by Nikolai Gogol. It is about a poor copying clerk named Akaky Akakievich who is disrespected by his colleagues. Akaky seems to have one pleasure in life-his work, and after working to his heart’s content, he would go to bed, smiling at the thought of the next day and wondering what God would send him to copy next. Walking to and from work in the dead of winter, Akaky, feeling a nip in the air for some time, took a trip down to the tailor to get his overcoat patched. The tailor’s only solution for his threadbare overcoat is that he must replace it- an exorbitant price that he is not able to afford. Akaky, limiting his already meager lifestyle, saves up for a new overcoat until he can finally purchase one. Following the purchase of his newly acquired overcoat, he becomes respected by his co-workers overnight. His colleagues at the office arrange a party to celebrate his new acquisition. But his happiness proves short-lived; on the way home his coat is stolen. To recover his loss, Akaky humbly requests the help of a VIP, a director of a department with the rank of General. The VIP turns Akaky away in an extremely harsh manner. He heads home shivering and goes to bed feeling utterly hopeless. Akaky awakens with a high fever, and dies shortly thereafter. The VIP feeling regretful went looking for Akaky only to find out he had died. The city begins to experience repetitive attacks by a ghost stealing overcoats. A short while later while the VIP is out and about one night he is confronted by a ghost who he immediately recognizes as the late Akaky. Terrified, he removes his overcoat throwing it over to the ghost of Akaky and hurrying along on his way. Following that night, no longer did a ghost steal overcoats. Perhaps his name, Akaky Akakievich may seem irrelevant to his ensuing life of simplicity and lowliness,
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