The Generation Of Social Media

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The Generation of Social Media “Yo balla, wht u doin 2nite, r u dwn 2 hang wit me n da boyz?” The impact that social media is having on the youth of this generation is considered a paradigm shift on how the young population of today's society communicate between each other. “Digital social media—including online collaboration tools—have brought about not one, but two paradigm shifts.” Said by, Gadi Ben-Yehuda in an article for IBM. The messages being posted on Facebook and Twitter or being conveyed by text include a modern language being used by today's youth, with short forms, slang and abbreviations for every word in the dictionary, it is difficult to perceive weather they are even speaking english. The younger generation, especially teenagers are becoming extremely trustworthy with their information and images online that are not as securely protected as they expect, this is posing a serious risk to the safety of the teenagers and pre-teens that are putting their entire life story on the internet. Nearly one half of an internet users time spent online was spent emailing or chatting on a social network (Stats-Can study in 2008), “Although there are no statistics on 'Facebook addiction' -- it isn't an actual medical diagnosis -- therapists say they're seeing more and more people...” (Elizabeth Cohen). The effects of social media and texting are substantially affecting the way that civilians of all generations live their social, professional and personal lives. Texting and Social Media are the main cause for 2 huge issues with todays society. It is degrading the level of language of which people write, and it is corrupting the basics we teach in school, such as spelling and grammar especially.. The word “texting” is an abbreviation in itself, it stand for text messaging. The use of short forms and abbreviated words which are known as slang
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