The Effectiveness of Interfet

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To what extent did the INTERFET intervention in East Timor benefit the people of East Timor? Synopsis: I have always had a strong passion and a keen interest in politics and government however I had always focused on domestic politics and was concerned that if I did something political that it would be way too narrow and wouldn’t explore the history of the event/personality enough. To expand into a new area of interest but to still keep within my passion for politics East Timor seemed like a natural fit. I started broadly researching using google and Wikipedia to see if anything sparked my interest and it did. Now I had to find a question that I could a project on. I chose “to what extent did the INTERFET intervention in East Timor benefit the people of East Timor?” because it allowed me to investigate the history, the effects of INTERFET and the different viewpoints whilst forming a solid argument throughout the essay. I had incredible help and support from the East Timorese PM Xanana Gusmaos’ adviser Janelle Saffin who I had long been associated with. I knew she had an extensive background and she let me use her knowledge and experiences as my own piece of living, breathing history. Saffin was a source I could engage with in a meaningful way to benefit my essay. I used a multifaceted approach to my argument that yes INTERFET very much did benefit East Timor but there were questions about the delay it took the international community to initiate INTERFET and the motives behind the Australian lead intervention. I drew from academic historians and foreign policy researchers such as Wheeler and Dunne, documentaries such as “A License to Kill” by the ABC’s Mark Davis (which used a large variety of primary source in that) and first hand accounts from Janelle Saffin. Taking into account a wide variety of perspectives this essay sets out see the real effects of

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