The Crucible- Arthur Miller

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English Essay “The Crucible” – Arthur Miller “An Individuals interaction with others and the world around them can enrich or limit their experience of belonging” Belonging provides a sense of being part of a group with a sense of connection and affinity to others. To belong is seen as an important experience that many individuals worldwide crave to have in everyday life. Arthur Millers ‘The Crucible’ addresses the notions such as understanding, acceptance and identity whilst exploring the very concept of belonging. Characters in ‘The Crucible” either belong to the community and support it or they are outcast and punished. Within this text the individuals interactions with others and the world around them are shown to present certain enrichments and limitations within their own personal experiences of belonging. Strict religious morality of Salem in the 17th Centaury determined that the sinful behaviour of an individual was concerning for the community as a whole. If a individual refused conformity with the social norms and codes of behaviour of the community their actions are deemed of satanic worship. Within Act One it is mentioned that Thomas Putnam felt that his name had been ‘smirched in the village’ causing him to feel as if anyone holding the Putnam name did not and would not belong. Putnam is a prime example of someone who will use the Witch trials to help with his own personal vendettas against the people he sees to have limited his chance of belonging which in turn limits any further chance of him belonging. Also in the text, Act Two Mary Warren says “..I am an official of the court.” with her head held high and with a great sense of being part of the community because she belongs as a member of the court with the group of girls in which she has never felt fully accepted by now until this point where she lies for them and with them. Therefore the
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