The Civilizations and Its Discontents; How Does It Relates to Self and Others.

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The Civilizations and its Discontents; How does it relates to self and others. Despite the fact that the civilization is supposed to bond us together in love eventually, our consciousness of guilt and the belief of religions come in conflict with one another. Civilization determines and directs the person happiness and the interests of society. Sigmund Freud assesses these concepts in his writings. Civilization is defined how people relates to one another. Civilization restrains the ID and consists of laws and social norm, which forms the bases of the ego and superego. Between the two processes the pleasure principle, which consists in finding the common values and achieving happiness. Whereas the contents of civilization; personal happiness is often ignored in the interests of social unity and cohesion. The super-ego is the conscience of guilt. It need for punishment and remorse, which have often use its function to consist in keeping a watch over the actions and intentions of the ego and judging it. The sense of guilt; superego acts on rebellion and against authority, which often put severe demands on the individual that can not realistically meet causing unhappiness. As for the religion belief, everyone has it own path to acquisition of happiness and protection from suffering. The value of life and distorting the real picture of life as it is. The vast majority of human regulate their behavior according to the principles of religious, submitting their will and fate to the judgment of God. Religion is base on the past, present and the future of life. It dictates a simple and clear path to happiness. Religion is a technique that consists of salvation. This feeling is purely subjective fact and not and article of faith. It does not betoken an allegiance to a specific religion, but instead points to the source of religion sentiment in humans.

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