The Changing Face of Our Planet; Is It Global Warming?

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The Changing Face of Our Planet: Is it Global Warming? As a young child, I remember winter being very cold and there always being snow on the ground ninety percent of the winter. As the years have gone by, there has been less and less snow and warmer temperatures every year. Today, we are lucky to have any snow at all during the winter. Common sense dictates that something very bad is happening, and that something is called global warming. Over the years I have read countless articles on global warming and have encountered a few that claim global warming is completely false, or better yet that it is a conspiracy that is designed to charge people more for goods and services. Unfortunately in this writer’s opinion, this is completely ludicrous as there is so much evidence to the contrary proving that global warming is changing the planet. When checking on the computer for peer-reviewed articles on Global Warming, what was found was very positive. From the year 1991-2012, there have been 13,950 articles on global warming and of these only 24 reject global warming. This, in itself, is significant because it shows our scientific community is in agreement that our planet is getting warmer and that global warming is the cause. The warming of our planet is causing glaciers and ice sheets the world over to melt, which in turn causes our oceans to rise and we are losing coastlines at an ever increasing rate. These changes in our oceans will also significantly impact our planets eco-systems from plants to animals and on to insects. Around the world, glaciers and ice sheets have been retreating for at least the last century and have increased in the past decade. This means that they are melting at an unprecedented rate. For instance Glacier National Park, in Montana was once home to 150 glaciers. Today, that number has reduced to less than thirty and most of these have

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