The Abuse Of Power In Hamlet, Nolan's Film, Memento

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“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power”(Abraham Lincoln). The corrupted, abuse power in ways unthinkable to many. Those in power justify dehumanizing others to maintain the illusion of unquestionable dominance; however, once the powerless are exposed to the truth they gain the authority to transcend the fallacious pre-existing hierarchy, which frees them to create themselves in a ‘truly human world’ The abuse of power is nevermore evident in Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, Nolan’s film, Memento and Findley’s novel Not Wanted On the Voyage. Powerful characters dehumanize others to maintain the illusion of dominance. Isolation, enables the powerless to awaken to true power through the realization of the truth. Once characters are free from illusion they are able to establish an authentic self and world. Powerful dehumanize others…show more content…
Ophelia is freed by Polonius’ death; she is no longer Jephthah’s daughter. Jephthah was an Israelite who ignorantly went ahead and offered his daughter as a sacrifice. The parallel between Jepthah and Ophelia’s father is evident when Polonius proclaims “If you call me Jephthah, my lord, I have a daughter….”(Shakespeare, 2.2.395). Ophelia expresses the truth as her imaginative rambling is interpreted “Her speech is nothing, Yet unshaped use of it doth move. The hearers to collection. They aim at it, And botch the words up to fit to their own thoughts,”(Shakespeare, 4.5.5-10). Ophelia is set free by the death of her father. She is exposed to the realization of truth; she is only able to express the truth through the imaginative language and she is perceived to be insane. Since she is exposed to the truth—it is fair to say she is the sane minority standing out against the insane illusion of the mob within the play. The death of Jephthah enables Ophelia to feel ‘truly

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