Superstore Blues Book Report

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Superstore Blues All across North America, huge retail stores, or otherwise known as “superstores”, have been popping up since late 1980 and took off in 1990 at an unimaginable rate. Take Wal-Mart for example, when only ten months ago, Wal-Mart was planning to open a new store in America every 26.5 hours according to an article in The Huffington Post (Wal-Mart Cancels 45 Superstore Projects, par. 5).And everywhere they pop up, they destroy the market for much of the local businesses. These superstores not only burst many hopes for growth in the small business world, but create a work environment that most would call, “the last resort”. In Douglas Couplands The Gum Thief, there are a group of characters that all work in an office super-store, staples. They write back and forth to each other about whatever they feel. Roger, Bethany, and Kyle are three of these main characters and each are responsible for what is most definitely described as being monotonous, soul-sucking work. What amount of satisfaction and accomplishment can…show more content…
A report on the Financial Sense WrapUp website says, “The small business retailers have never recovered. Even when resisted, expansion is relentless and almost unstoppable.” (Small Businesses and the Big- Box Era, par 1) Clearly the effects of this “big-box” phenomena spreads much like a wild fire. Discount superstores have the advantage over small businesses because of two huge business strategies. “Their foundation, apart from IT systems, is built upon cheap Asian supply of products, and low-paying jobs at their stores” (par 1). A combination of cheap manufacturing, as well as low wage back in the store gives them that ability to charge much less than the typical retailer. Of course our advantage is paying

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