Steinbeck’s Views on Economic and Social Factors and Their Effects

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John Steinbeck’s novel, The Grapes of Wrath, exposes the economic forces at work in one of the lowest points in our nation’s history. In the novel, the author criticize the economic and social devastation that the region of Oklahoma and the whole United States was suffering in the 1930s. Steinbeck focuses on three main interests in his novel. First, he focus on the struggles of individuals against big business like the bank that takes the houses and lands from the farmers, which he views that corporations oppressed the individuals and that the individuals must at all cost be protected from those corporations. Second, the author clearly emphasizes on the division of social classes and the concentration of the wealth on business bearing individuals and particularly on banks and industries including a particularly ominous view at the ever reaching effects of the Great Depression. He’s views of social classes in that time where that the monsters were the wealthy people, the poor people were the oppressed and all the concentration of wealth was in total control of the big corporations. Lastly, he subtly talks about the causes of the economic evils, and the effect on the people. He viewed that the principal cause of the economic evils were the society and its individuals along with their actions and creations. The author of the Grapes of Wrath viewed that property was taken away from farmers because of the struggle between the individuals and the big corporations. Steinbeck’s purpose was to catch the attention of the people with what was going on in that time. For this purpose, he writes about the big business and its effects on the individuals. For Steinbeck, corporations as well capitalism were very harsh with the farmers. In the novel, the author states: "If a man owns a little property, that property is him, it's part of him, and it's like him. If he owns property
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