Spike Lee Vs. Tyler Perry

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Spike vs. Tyler Tyler Perry movies are fun and uplifting while Mr. Lee creates a more serious or dramatic type of movies with major purposes. Spikes movies take a more explosive pattern than a tyler perry movie which are most of the time dramatic but very funny at times. Tyler focuses on a dysfunctional Black family while Spike’s storyworld is the impact of social and political factors on Black people. Finally, both have dissimilar political and religious convictions: Tyler’s work is powerfully dominated by evangelical Christian themes while Spike’s films do not display any obvious religious conviction. Spike Lee is recognized by his peers as a groundbreaking filmmaker. His most recent documentary work is respected, powerful, and innovative. Lee’s filmwork takes on the thorny issue of anti-Black racism in both its structural and personal dimensions. His work has politicized generations of Black people and set a high aesthetic bar for both filmmakers and students of all backgrounds. While his movies do rely on Black popular political consciousness, his unconventional approach to storytelling, the emotional intensity of his work. Both of these talented men have carved out relatively successful careers in film and media and both could learn from one another. Even though Lee has a artistic and political vision, it was simply a matter of time before he would publicly clash with Perry’s brand of Christo-entertainment. Perry could benefit from a close study of Lee’s politically rich and artistically fertile work. This may help him understand how his stories about Black women’s salvation being dependent on finding the “right” man is shallow, narrow, and offensive. One way that people think about Tyler Perry’s brand of Christianity is as a kind of priestly Christianity. It's very obvious that Perry interested not in challenging political structures, confronting economic

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