Shrouded Sorrow Essay

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Shrouded Sorrow Robert Frost is known for writing about the beauty and majesty of New England. Although on first read this seems to be just another one of these simple poems, he actually uses breaks, cadence, figurative language, and a flexible persona in his poem “Never Again Would Birds’ Song be the Same” to deal with death and grief in his life. Without multiple stanza common to many poems, Frost had to rely on end-stops and enjambments to create meaning through breaks just as we must rely on them to interpret his meaning. More than half the poem uses enjambment; however, this brings emphasis to the end-stopped lines. Whenever Frost end-stops a line, the next seems to to take on a tone of mild opposition. “Admittedly” (6) and “Be that as may be” (9) are two examples. These are not two polar opposite positions in an argument, but that of one person trying to decide something and weighing both sides. This internal battle could be an example of someone dealing with the death of a loved one and weighing whether it was their fault, or if they lived a good life, or any other subjects that as humans we tend to linger on long after the person has passed. Cadence always plays a key role in allowing a reader to interpret the meaning behind breaks, figurative language, and persona in any poem, but here it is particularly significant. The most obvious fact about this poem is that it is a sonnet. It follows the rhyme scheme perfectly throughout and generally sticks to the ten syllable per line rule but breaks in only two places: lines seven and ten. Interestingly enough, these are the only two places where Frost’s perfect rhyme scheme fails to also be a visual rhyme. This double discrepancy obviously means that these two lines have deep meaning. Since “birds” and “crossed” do not appear to have much relation to each-other, perhaps we are supposed to look at
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