Scott Fitzgerald's Portrayal Of The Guests In The Great Gatsby

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Gatsby Essay F. Scott Fitzgerald, the author of Great Gatsby, shows his life through the novel. Fitzgerald portrays the guests as reckless and careless which reflects the lives of the Fitzgerald's. The guests at Gatsby's and the Fitzgerald's parties were careless, reckless, and they were all inconsiderate drunks, it is ironic how similar Jay Gatsby and Scott Fitzgerald are. In a way Gatsbys guest had no class. They came to Gatsbys house uninvited, and didnt respect Gatsby or his belongings. The guest were ruthless and thought nothing of anybody else as you can see in this quote, "I hope she'll be a fool, that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool . . . You see, I think everything's terrible…show more content…
The Fitzgerald's had a poor relationship and partied all the time. Fitzgerald's life was made up of other people using him for his old money. The people that surrounded him were jobless but filthy rich of off old money. The people around Fitzgerald boasted about everything they did, “Why is it every other person you meet says they're an artist? A real artist doesn't need to gas on about it, he doesn't have time. He does his work and sweats it out in silence, and no one can help him at all.” (McLain 266) This shows how the people around Fitzgerald and himself bragged about everything they did. The people in that society that they were better than everybody. The guest from Great Gatsby acted the same way. Partying aside, Zelda and F. Scott Fitzgerald relationship was represented through Gatsby and Daisy's relationship. “You are everything good and straight and fine and true, and I see that so clearly now, in the way you’ve carried yourself and listened to your own heart. You’ve changed me more than you know, and will always be a part of everything I am. That’s one thing I’ve learned from this. No one you love is ever truly lost.” (McLain 204) This shows how Fitz is struggling with Zelda in their relationship. Them partying all the time has put tension on their relationship. All Zelda wanted to do was party, Fitzgerald just wanted

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