Saralyn Mills Case Study

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MRKT- 3001 In the case study of Saralyn Mills, the marketing strategy is not targeting the Canadian Province of Quebec. Sales have dropped in this area and it is believed by one of the product managers, Marie LaMans, that the Canadian marketing approach should be rearranged specifically for the Canadian French speaking audience. It is up to the marketing manager, Nicole Vichon, to approve the changes for the marketing strategy for Canadian customers, who may not understand the current approach that is being taken and displayed globally. From the knowledge that I have gained so far from this course, I understand that there is a process that needs to be considered when marketing products or a business. The main three steps that stand out to me when I read the case study were segmentation, positioning, and targeting. It seems that targeting was not thought through all the way. In order to market products, there needs to be a well planned strategy of the approach that needs to be taken for all dissimilar groups of people. Even though Saralyn Mills Ltd.’s marketing approach has been successful elsewhere, it seems that the Canadian Province was either not considered or not planned thoroughly. I agree with the product manager, Marie LaMans, that there should be a separate approach taken for the Quebec market. The approach should include a separate marketing approach which speaks directly to them. Lacking a marketing plan designed for the Quebec area may have been resulting in lack of knowledge and understanding of the product and is a valid reason for the decrease in
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