Romeo And Juliet Act 5 Question

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Romeo and Juliet ACT 5 Questions 1. Friar John gets help up in an accident and can’t deliver the letter. 2. Paris attacks Romeo because he thinks Romeo will do something bad to the grave. 3. Romeo’s body appears in the tomb because he drinks the poison. Juliet’s body appears in the tomb because she stabs herself. Paris’ body appears in the tomb because he fights with Romeo in a duel. 4. There are many events that have built up to the resolution final resolution of the play. The first and most important event is the meeting between Romeo and Juliet. This marks the beginning of their love and compassion for each other. The next important event is the marriage, as that marks the bind that forever holds them together. The next event is the banishment or specifically, the fight between Romeo and Tybalt as that marks the start of Friar Lawrence's ingenious plan to keep Romeo and Juliet together. These events create the final resolution which is Romeo dead because of assumption that Juliet is dead. Juliet waking up to find Romeo dead. And Paris dead because Romeo decides to kill him for revenge. No, this does not lead to a satisfactory ending because after all of this trouble that the two "lovers" have gone through, in the end, they all basically die. The readers are thirsty for a happy ending yet they are presented with a horrifying tragedy one could call situational irony. 5. I would pardon Balthasar, and the Page because they were basically just doing their jobs. Friar Lawrence also should pardoned because he brought the two families together ending the generations long feud which would result in less people dying. I would punish the two families, but if you think about it, they already faced their punishment so I probably wouldn’t punish them either. 6. Act 5 Scene 1. Shows that Romeo would do anything to be with Juliet and basically expresses his love for Juliet.
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