Roger Company Acl Analysis

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ACL Assignments Overview The ACL bundled software comes with a tutorial, which is a PDF file entitled, “ACL in Practice.” The tutorial contains 7 Chapters and utilizes the sample data files that are included with the ACL software. In addition to the exercises imbedded within the ACL in Practice, the Messier/Glover/Prawitt team has created ACL problems for each chapter. The problems associated with Chapters 1 and 2 relate to the tutorial data files. A new data set entitled Roger Company, created for Messier/Glover/Prawitt, is introduced in Chapter 3. The Roger Company data set is used to solve the ACL end-of-chapter problems for Chapters 3-21, which are more focused on auditing concepts than are the exercises included in the tutorial.…show more content…
They are found under Course-Wide Content on the Student Edition of your text’s Online Learning Center. See instructions for opening the Roger Company files in the Chapter 3 assignment above. Problem 1 A risk in the purchasing process is that a purchase is made from an unauthorized vendor. Use the Data >> Relate Tables command in ACL (see ACL in Practice Chapter 6) to relate, by vendor number, the Roger_Company_Vendors table to the Roger_Company_AP_Transactions table, and determine how many purchases were made from unauthorized vendors. This can be accomplished by creating a new column of vendor numbers from the Roger_Company_Vendors table and adding it to Roger_Company_AP_Transactions table. Problem 2 In prior year’s audits, the auditor has discovered cutoff errors in the purchasing area. In some cases, Rogers included a liability in the subsequent year when it should have been included in the current year. In other cases, Rogers included a liability in the current year, even though the purchase transaction related to the next year. For purposes of this problem only, assume the fiscal year for Roger Company is from March 1, 2011 to February 28, 2012. Using the Roger_Company_AP_Transactions table, what is the total invoice value of the purchases that were inappropriately included in the February 28, 2012 balance that should have been recorded in the subsequent fiscal

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