Religion and Morality Are Linked

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Morality is dependent on religion. There are many theories that exist, to justify why morality is dependent on religion. The relationship between religion and morality, whether there is one at all, is a vital issue for religious and non-religious believers as it questions God’s existence, as ethical obligations are often thought of as commands with authority behind them. One way in which morality may be associated with religion is through the conscience. The conscience is thought to have been God-given, or even a representation or direct voice of God; therefore it suggests that the awareness in which we receive of what is right and wrong is derived from Him as He is the divine law giver, originator of morality that religious believers perceive Him to be. Joseph butler, who agrees that our conscience is given from God and therefore should always be obeyed, stated that “Conscience does not only offer itself to show us the we should walk in, but it likewise carries its own authority with it.” For butler, the conscience directs us in accord with two principles within human nature, the first being ‘self-love’ (seeking individual happiness) and the second ‘benevolence’ (seeking the good for another person) Cardinal J.H Newman, who also supported the idea of the conscience being God-given stated that “We feel responsibility, are ashamed and are frightened at transgressing the voice of conscience, this implies that there is one to whom we are responsible.” He explains that as humans feel fear, responsibility and guilt at the embracing of our conscience, there must be a God to whom we are responsible. In other words it could be said that Newman is suggesting that God has imbedded all humans with conscience that provides evidence to the existence of God. Divine command theory is a theory that proposes that “the good consists in always doing what God wills”. Religious
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