Q2. ‘It Is Always Wrong to Punish the Innocent.’ Discuss the Views of Utilitarians and Non-Utiiltarians About Whether This Is a Fundamental or Secondary Principle.

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Crime and the Justification of Punishment Essay Q2. ‘It is always wrong to punish the innocent.’ Discuss the views of utilitarians and non-utiiltarians about whether this is a fundamental or secondary principle. A theologian, Saint Augustine, once said, ‘Punishment is justice for the unjust’ 1. While crime has existed almost since the advent of mankind, punishment, which is defined as the infliction or imposition of a penalty as retribution for an offence 2, has been a concept only more widely discussed in relatively modern times. The practice of punishment, while debatably embraced or condemned, is undeniably prevalent in society and has for many years brought about mostly desirable consequences, such as a reduction of crime rate. For an act to constitute an act of legal punishment, it must first fulfill five criteria: it must involve consequences typically perceived as unpleasant such as pain or loss of freedom, it must be for an offence against a law, be intentionally administered by human beings other than the offender, be imposed and administered by a legal system, and be given to an actual offender for his offence and not someone supposed innocent 3. In regard of such criterion, a commonly held belief has emerged – the belief that it is always wrong to punish the innocent, based on the fact that they have not committed an offence. However, atypical circumstances in which this view is not held do exist. Such beatnik circumstances emerge for a certain group of people hailed as the utilitarians, defined as people who believe that the value of an entity depends on its utility 4. The utilitarian approach to morality dictates that no moral act, such as an act of stealing, or rule, such as telling the truth, is intrinsically right or wrong. They are less concerned about the socially constructed ‘inherent’ nature of a belief than its utility, which refers

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