Pythagorean Triples Essay

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Pythagorean Triples The numbers 3, 4, and 5 are called Pythagorean triples since 32 + 42 = 52. The numbers 5, 12, and 13 are also Pythagorean triples since 52 + 122 = 132. Can you find any other Pythagorean triples? Actually, there is a set of formulas that will generate an infinite number of Pythagorean triples. Research the topic of Pythagorean triples and write a brief report on the subject. A "Pythagorean Triple" is a set of positive integers, a, b and c that fits the rule: a2 + b2 = c2 (Pierce, 2011). The Pythagorean Theorem is a theorem that relates the lengths of the three sides of any right triangle (Stapel, 2010). If the triangle had a right angle (90°) and you made a square on each of the three sides, then the biggest square had the exact same area as the other two squares put together (Pierce, 2011). The sides of the triangle that meet at the right angle are labeled as sides (a) and sides (b). The long side of the triangle is labeled (c) and this is the hypotenuse. The hypotenuse is the side of a triangle that is opposite the right angle ( A few example of a Pythagorean Triples and Theorem are as follows: 1) 8, 15, and 17. You would equate this as 82 x 152 = 172. (8 x 8) + (15 x 15) = (17 x 17) 64 + 225 = 289 2) 7, 24, and 25. The equation would be 72 x 242 = 252 (7 x 7) + (24 x 24) = (25 x 25) 49 + 576 = 625 3) 28, 45, and 53. The equation would be 282 x 452 = 532 (28 x 28) + (45x 45) = (53 x 53) 784 + 2025 = 2809 4) 48, 64, and 91. The equation would be 482 x 642 = 802 (48 x48) + (64 x 64) = (80 x 80) 2304 + 4096 = 6400 5) 9, 40, and 41. The equation would be 92 x 402 = 412 (9 x 9) + (40 x 40) = (41 x 41) 81 + 1600 = 1681 In conclusion, as you can see, there are so many more Pythagorean Triples, I just did five. Reference: Pierce, Rod. (11 Dec

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