P5 Public Service Policy Analysis

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P5-Review the methods used by public services to ensure they have a diverse workforce Policies and procedures within the service: * Equal opportunities policies * Grievance procedures * Bullying and harassment at work policer * Anti-discrimination policies * Recording and monitoring of equal opportunities data and complaints * Complaints procedures for service users All public service have to follow these to keep a high standard. Equality within the public service The public service will have many aims and objectives set, either internally or externally and a number of those will be practically focused at offering a fair and equal service. Policies and procedures within the service Equal opportunities…show more content…
The government demands that they maintain records in areas like recruiting and monitor the amount of issues and complaints they receive and how they were resolved. Police service – The police service might be asked to reduce or maybe stop the ‘stop and search’ of ethnic minority groups if the statistics are disapproved. Fire service- the fire service might be asked to be improved its station facilities to better it for female fire fighters. The armed forces- The armed forces may need to change some of their uniforms and also dress codes to suit certain religious requirements. Paramedic procedures - giving aide to help citizens. Support organisation There are a variety of support organisation that represents the interest of public service personnel. These services to employees such: * Legal advice and representation * Counselling and personnel support * Negotiations on pay and conditions * Lobbying government on issues important to a particular service * Monitoring H&S and issuing guidance * Advice to anyone suffering from discrimination or harassment * Training
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