Outline and Evaluate the Learning Theory

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“Outline and Evaluate the Learning Theory of Attachment” Learning Theory argues that attachment is learned rather than innate. There are three main types of attachment behaviours in Learning Theory, which are Classic Conditioning, Operant Conditioning, and Learning by Observation and Imitation (Social Learning Theory). Classical Conditioning was first notice by Pavlov, a Russian psychologist, when investigating the digestive system of dogs. He noticed they would salivate when their bowl came into the room, so introduced a stimulant, a bell, to indicate they would be getting their food. Soon the dogs began to associate the bell with their food, so would salivate when they heard the bell. Pavlov then realised he could reverse these effects if he sounded the bell and didn’t give the dogs their food, which after a while made the dogs stop salivating when they heard the bell. Pavlov’s experiment was scientific, it took place in a lab, so although this would pose risks of a lack of mundane realism, Pavlov’s studies were very thorough, Pavlov repeated his experiment with many dogs which means his results were both valid, and reliable. Some could argue that Pavlov’s findings cannot be transferred to classical conditioning in the wider world as this experiment was only on dogs, and we don’t know whether there was some other, underlying factor which could have been altering Pavlov’s results, for instance the breed of dog could have been affecting the amount of salivation, not the stimulus. Other experiments to prove this can be seen with Little Albert, a boy who when around two years old, was experimented on which left him with such a bad experience his mother had to withdraw him from the experiment when she found out what was going on. Psychologists gave Albert a white rat, then struck a loud gong behind him whenever he picked it up or cuddled it. This continued until
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