Origins and Development of Authoritarian and Single-Party States

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Analyze the circumstances and active policies that made Stalin gain and retain power In this assignment, I will be analyzing the circumstances and active policies that made Stalin gain and retain power. The way Stain was able to gain power can be interpreted in different ways. Many historians argue that his rise to power was either due to his own actions and abilities, or the situation at the time and the failure of his opponents. But it appears that Stalin was successful in gaining and retaining power due to his own strengths and actions in the political arena and weaknesses displayed by his opponents, in relation to the prevailing circumstances of the time. Stalin was, by opportunism able to gain control of the party machine and use it to his own advantage, and use his own political skills to out maneuver his opponents, while they often displayed lackluster tactics in a vain attempt to win support of a party loyal to Stalin. After the 1917 revolution, Vladimir Lenin was the leader of the Bolshevik political faction and the Russian Nation. Whenever possible, Stalin would present himself as Lenin’s right hand man, and following Lenin’s death in 1924, he defended Lenin’s legacy. Ironically, shortly after Lenin died, he told the colleagues that it would be disastrous if Stalin inherited the reins of the government. During the 1920s, Stalin appointed key people to Communist Party posts. He was incapable of being satisfied for administrative works, thus his colleagues were content to let him handle the vast Communist Party paperwork, unaware that he was using this opportunity to cultivate loyal followers and place them in key position. After Lenin’s death, two conflicting political parties thoughts about the future of the Soviet Union arose in party debates. Left – wing communists believed that world revolution was essential to the survival of socialism in
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