One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest

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One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest ‘One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest’ (One Flew…) was made in 1975 by Warner Bros and was directed by Milos Forman, based on Ken Kessey’s novel by the same name. It is one of the best films which fits into the drama genre and was made in 70’s American society. Changing self plays a very important role in One Flew…. These are That Billy Bibbit ceases to stutter towards the end of the film, the nurse loses her power over the patients, Chief Bromden goes from pretending to be deaf and dumb to taking an active role in the ward, McMurphy (McM) changes from exploiting the patients to giving his life for them. This is conveyed in the film by the use of dialogue, camera shots and various techniques. At the beginning of the film when McM is admitted to the ward Bibbit cannot say a sentence without stuttering, this is shown through the use of dialogue. He talks at the group meeting with Nurse Ratched and says “I, I, I asked her to marry me”, his stuttering is caused by his fear of Nurse Rated and his mother who is a close friend of the nurse. However all this changes when he sleeps with Candy who is a prostitute. When he is found by one of the nurses aids and Nurse Ratched sees him he says “I can explain everything”, Nurse Ratched says “aren’t you ashamed Billy”, and he boastfully replies “no, I’m not”. Indisputably Billy lost his stutter when he slept with Candy. At the beginning of the film Chief Bromden pretends to be deaf and dumb, he does this in order to escape the reality of his life. Through the ‘Mise en scene’ we can see that when McM first goes to the ward Chief is deaf and dumb because he stands crouched and holding a broom but not moving, his face is also motionless and he doesn’t respond when called, however through he long shot we see that he towers over McM. When McM joins the ward he asks about Chief and is told that
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