Nt1210 Unit 2

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NT1210 Unit 2 Assignment 2: Computer Basics Review Week 2 1. C 2. B 3. C, E 4. A, D 5. A 6. D 7. C 8. D 9. A,C, D 10. C, D 11. A 12. A, D 13. B 14. C 15. A, D 16. D 17. D 18. D 19. A 20. B Key Terms 1. Computer Networking - A combination of many components that work together so that many different devices can communicate. 2. Computer Network - A combination of many components that work together so that many different devices can communicate. 3. Application -software that performs some useful function for a user. 4. Email - Electronic mail. An application in which the user can type text and attach other files to create the electronic equivalent of a postal letter, and send the email to another person using his or her email address. 5. Voice Mail - A more modern term for a telephone call that does not use the word telephone, instead emphasizing the fact that the traffic that flows between the endpoints is voice. 6. Video Frame - A grid of pixel locations of a chosen width by height that contains the lights/colors to be shown in a video at a single point in time. 7. Web Server - software that stores web pages and web objects, listens for requests for those pages, and sends the contents of those pages/objects to clients. 8. Web Browser - software controlled directly by a user that requests web pages from a web server, and after receiving a page, displays the web page in a window. 9. Web Address - Text that identifies details about one object in a network so that a client can request that object from a server. 10. Web Page - In a web browser, all the text, images, video, and sound that fill the window of the browser when the user opens a link to some web address. 11. Protocol -A set of rules that different devices and/or software must follow

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