Not Vaccinating Children Essay

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What happens when celebrities do not do all their research on an issue, such as vaccines, and still speak to the American public like they hold a doctorate on the matter? What happens when one family does not vaccinate their children and it suddenly has a huge effect on dozens of other families and children? The answer to these two questions is people die. America is facing a problem today that could lead to an epidemic tomorrow; parents are not vaccinating their children. In this country disease such as measles, Haemophilus influenza type b (HIB), mumps, and whooping cough were all but eradicated, then about 10 years ago there was a scare that a preservative put into vaccines causes autism. As cited by Dr. Stephen Novella, in 1998 a British scientist named Andrew Wakefield did a small study on the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine. Wakefield used his data to claim that the MMR vaccine caused autism. As a result compliance with the MMR dropped from 92% down to 85%. Measles cases soared from only 58 cases in 1998 to 1,348 cases in 2008 (Novella). Despite the fact that Wakefield’s paper has been discredited and other studies showed that there is a lack of…show more content…
That single cases caused 980 people to be exposed, 60 of those people had to be quarantined, 12 of those, all children, were infected, none of them vaccinated. According to, in Minnesota in 2008, there were five confirmed cases of HIB among children younger than five years old. Of these five cases, three of the children were unvaccinated, one had started the series of vaccines but did not complete the series, and the fifth, who had been fully vaccinated, had an immune deficiency, all five died (Plait). These are just a couple of examples out hundreds of preventable outbreaks that happened in

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