Nietzsche’S Concept Of The Ubermensch

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There is no exact definition of Ubermensch but it is roughly translated from german to mean Superman or Overman. Nietzsche’s Ubermensch are what he would describe as free spirits. They hold characteristics of being creative, manipulative, and independent and those who exercise their will to power over others. Nietzsche sees his concept of the Ubermensch as the goal for human evolution. This concept of the Ubermensch was Nietzsche’s new type of philosopher, who would overcome the values derived from the concept god. Nietzsche introduces us to his concept in Zarathustra where the death of god is pronounced. By this Nietzsche does not mean the literal death of god, but rather the shedding of humanities belief in god. In the absence of belief in god, humanity is vulnerable to nihilism, Nietzsche recognised that for a time religion gave purpose and derived meaning to humanities existence. The Ubermensch is presented as the creator of new values and solution to this problem. The Ubermensch will not be confined or influenced by the concepts of good and evil. Nietzsche forecasted that with the death of god, humanity would overcome and surpass it’s concept of morality. Nietzsche believed these values derived from a belief in god and good/evil were counter productive for man and limited us by restraining our will to power. Nietzsche saw the morality of the individual as herd minded morality. He believed it is instinctive in human nature to conform the general consensus by striving to be perceived as ‘good’ by our fellow man. Nietzsche identifies the evolutionary difference between man and ape as the contrast that will be shown between Ubermensch and man. Nietzsche saw the Ubermensch as a new evolutionary stage of mankind, a man freed from traditional restrictive values that would exercised their will to power. The Ubermensch, in Nietzsche’s view, would be the
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