My World View on Christianity

778 Words4 Pages
Worldview A worldview is simply, how we perceive the world around us to make sense of our lives, give us understanding, and clears direction as to how we live our lives. It is the basis in which our characters, beliefs, morals, values, are founded and how we live our day to day lives. In the following examples I will show the reasons to what my worldview is and why I believe in the one true God. We must first understand how we got here; In Jeremiah 1:5 The Lord says before I formed you in the womb I knew you God already had me in mind before the creation of the world. What I would look like, the color of my eyes, the color of my hair, how tall I would be, he designed every part of my genetic makeup. He knew which people he would choose that had the exact genetic makeup to be my earthly parents to bring me into this world. In Genesis 2:7 Gods breath was given to me in order to sustain life. And each day that I breathe I am reminded that its Gods breath that provides the oxygen in order to keep my entire body functioning properly. My Identity is found in Christ I am made by God, for God, in his image and likeness, uniquely designed for a purpose and to bring him pleasure. See Acts 17:28, Genesis 1:26-27. How wonderful it is to know that I am designed in his image. When I think of that fact it gives me an overwhelming sense of security and love. When I see my parents I think about how I look so much like them in appearance. But, when I think of my heavenly Father my true design was given by him thru my parents to create me in his image. So then we must say, “Ok so I’m created by him but exactly what is my meaning and purpose?” Everything in the earth and Universe were designed to complete a unique task my meaning is to love my God and to serve him is my purpose. When he gave us his son Jesus Christ my father in heaven showed me his great love and compassion
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