Mb-11sn9-2.1 Finance and Mortgage Broking

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Section 1 — Case study 1 — Andrew and Stephanie Wilson Background Andrew and Stephanie Wilson are a young couple about to buy their first home. They have been married for five years and during that time have rented an apartment while saving for their own home. They have been looking at properties for the last month and one has really caught their eye, although the kitchen and bathroom could do with a little work. They had planned on shopping around the various lenders themselves to find the most appropriate loan for their needs, but as they both work, they have little time to do the research necessary. And, as they both admit, they have limited knowledge of the loan products available and might have difficulty in evaluating the options. They have not paid a deposit at this stage. On a suggestion from Stephanie’s father (one of your former clients) they have contacted you about the loan. Following is a summary of the details of the property they wish to purchase, the couple’s financial and employment details, and the loan features they require. The property Address: | Unit 1, 92 Seaside Lane, Coastville, 2996 | Purchase price: | $410,000 | Description: | 2 bedroom strata title unit | Agent details: | Steven Allstone | Phone: | 02 8282 1113 | Mobile: | 0412 880 088 | The couple Current address: | Unit 12, 22 Wentworth Lane, Highville, 2999 | | Andrew and Stephanie have lived there 5 years | Home phone: | 02 9001 2121 | Funds position Purchase price: | $410,000 | Estimated costs: | $20,000 | Total required: | $430,000 | Loan: | $370,000 | Own contribution: | $60,000 | Assets Capital Bank savings account (joint) | $72,000 | Capital Bank cheque account (joint) | $1,600 | Holden Commodore SS 2002 (Andrew) | $25,000 | Suzuki Baleno 2001 (Stephanie) | $9,000 | Superannuation — Capital Bank (Andrew) | $28,000 |

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