Malala Yousafzai Essay

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“Courage and Perseverance have a magical talisman, before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish into thin air.” Doesn’t everybody have dreams and goals that they would like to achieve? Some are to become doctors, change the world, stop racism, and create peace. It is possible, if you avoid and overcome the challenges that stand in your way. This is the story of how a teen girls world turned upside down and tried to put the pieces back together. Malala Yousafzai a promising 13 year old girl from Pakistan who fought for the right for her education especially for girls, she alone raised her voice through international and national media for girls education during the deadliest times in Swat Valley. In which girls were not only banned from attending schools and colleges however they were destroyed as well, over 800 schools for girls were closed down and destroyed. Malala wrote a diary by the name of ‘Gul Makai’ to the BBC News to record her frustrations with the restrictive community especially concerning the limits of female education. Malala Yousafzai is an inspiring icon for the right of children- in particular that of girls- to education. Malala never gave up she was not going to hide in fear and without education for the rest of her life she wanted to take a stand fight for all the girls in Swat Valley, Malala quoted “The cannot stop me; I will get my education whether it is in home, school, or any place.” She had many obstacles to face, she was receiving death threats towards her and her family, if she continued to fight for the right that girls should receive education one of her family member or herself will end up dead. Malala had to keep her identity concealed so she went by the name ‘Gul Makai’ on her diary for BBC News and to make sure that no one would find out that it is her writing the diary. Malala is a very brave teen

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