Madness Shows in Lm and Lady in the Lab

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In Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” and both, Browning’s Victorian Dramatic Monologue “The Laboratory” there is a variety of disturbed characters. In Macbeth it is Lady Macbeth who is driven to guilt due to her, convincing her husband to murder King Duncan. In the Laboratory, a woman discovers her husband has been unfaithful to her and is trying to further his own social standing by sleeping with women of higher social order than he is. She’s obsessed to gain her revenge through her obsession of “poison.”
In Act 5 Scene 1 of Macbeth, Shakespeare has used the technique of Dramatic Monologue. Act 5, Scene 1 is the sleepwalking scene which already shows her disturbed mind to the audience. During this part of the play, Lady Macbeth outlines her insanity by talking aloud to herself. Not only this but during this scene Lady Macbeth makes some morbid statements aloud, which the Doctor and Gentlewoman are able to hear, for example “Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him.” At this moment in time, she is referring to the murder of Duncan, where she had placed the daggers back into his chambers. Her referring to blood and death in her sleep outlines to the audience that she has a disturbed mind. Shakespeare’s objective is to show how the guilt Is driving her insane. Shakespeare also does this with the semantic field of death; “death and blood” are used through her sleep-walk. This implies that her guilt of killing Duncan is driving her insane this technique is used by Shakespeare to portray Lady Macbeth’s broken state of mind which makes her restless. In Act 2 Scene 2, the witches say "Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep,” this is exactly what has happened to Lady Macbeth as she is unable to sleep.
Furthermore in The Laboratory Browning, also conveys the madness of the character. This is because of her obsession for poison. The dramatic monologue

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