Macbeth Review Worksheet

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Macbeth Act II – Review Worksheet Directions: please fill in the appropriate information based on you reading of Act II. This sheet will be collected for a grade. Part One: Scene Summaries – Briefly, but accurately summarize each scene in order to review sequence of events. Act II, i | * Banquo and his son, Fleance, are at Macbeth's inner court at Glamis. Macbeth then enters with a servant, and Banquo notes that the new Thane of Cawdor should be resting peacefully considering the good news he got today. * They reminisce about the witches they met the other day, and then everyone leaves Macbeth alone on stage. * Macbeth has a vision of a dagger that points him toward the room where Duncan sleeps. The dagger turns bloody and Macbeth…show more content…
| Verbal irony, the difference between what is said and what is meant. (eg: sarcasm) | The first witch comments on Macbeth's forgetting to thank them: Witch - That this great king may kindly say our duties did his welcome pay. | Dramatic irony - when the audience knows more than the characters | The death of Macduff's wife, children and servants. When Ross first declares to Macduff that his family is "at peace," the audience already knows what happened. | Part Six: Foreshadowing – Select two examples of foreshadowing and make a prediction based on the lines The bloody battle in Act 1 | 1 foreshadows the bloody murders later on; | when Macbeth thinks he hears a voice while killing Duncan | foreshadows the insomnia that plagues Macbeth and his wife; | Macduff’s suspicions of Macbeth after Duncan’s murder | foreshadow his later opposition to Macbeth…show more content…
| Sleep | symbolizes innocence in people who can sleep are innocent, and Duncan is innocent as he sleeps. Duncan is killed while sleeping. Before the murder, Macbeth insists he heard a voice proclaiming that he would "sleep no more." After the Banquet Scene, after Banquo's Ghost disappears, Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth that he'd be okay if only he could get some sleep. | Appearance v Reality | In the first scene, in which the witches say, "Fair is foul, and foul is fair." This tells us that throughout the play, there will be a gap between appearance and reality. | Part Eight: Solikoquies – Identify the page and line number of the soliloquies in Act II and paraphrase each one, focusing on clarity of meaning (there are only two) Line/Page Paraphrase ‘Is this a dagger which I see before me, The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee: I have thee not, and yet I see thee still. Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible To feeling as to sight? Or art thou but A dagger of the mind, a false creation, Proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain?’ | Macbeth has been convinced into the action not by his own reasoning, but by his personal insecurities, played upon by his wife, the witches, and his own ambition. By the time Macbeth’s mind conjures up a dagger for him, he can see the murder as a foregone conclusion, not a question for his consideration.
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