Kin 275 Final Exam Answers

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KIN 275 Fall 2009 Study Guide For KIN 275 Final Exam Fall 2009 Know the following: o Types of joints and an example of each (syndesmosis, synchondrosis, etc.). For example, knee=ginglymus (hinge) o biarticular – pertaining to a muscle crossing two joints, acting on both. o List the 5 major functions of the skeleton 1. Storage 2. Support 3. Movement 4. Protection 5. Production of blood cells o Structures located in midfoot, hindfoot, and forefoot o Wolff’s Law - o Anatomical terminology (prone, supine, bilateral, proximal, distal, inferior, etc.) o Muscle fiber arrangements (Definition: pennate fibers produce greater force) and examples of…show more content…
- 14 o The spring ligament (see notes and foot/ankle jeopardy) o Medical term for flat feet, for high arches o List muscles in anterior compartment of lower leg o Origins & insertions of peroneus longus, tertius, and Brevis (lower leg/foot) o Insertions of flexor Digitorum longus, extensor Digitorum longus, extensor hallicus longus o Know functions of Anterior cruciate ligament, posterior cruciate ligament, medial collateral ligament, & lateral collateral ligament of knee o List three muscles that insert on pes anserine area of tibia o Which knee injury is called “dashboard injury” o Normal Q angle for males; for females o Longest, strongest bone in the body o Longest muscle in the body o Largest sesamoid bone in the body o Teardrop muscle o Muscles in each compartment of lower leg and actions o Recognize which muscles are internal rotators, external rotators, extensors, & flexors of the glenohumeral…show more content…
o Which muscle should be strengthened to help prevent patellar dislocations? o Intrinsic muscles of the glenohumeral joint o Extrinsic muscles of the glenohumeral joint o Origins/insertions of rotator cuff muscles o Know difference between Jones fracture, fracture of 5th metatarsal, & avulsion fracture o Define March fracture o Explain why inversion ankle sprains are more common than eversion ankle sprains (Provide at least two reasons). o Explain the blood supply to the meniscus and how this influences healing. o You can also look over old jeopardy games Study Guide 1. Types of joints and an example of each (syndesmosis, synchondrosis, etc.). For example, knee=ginglymus (hinge) a. Synarthrodial – Immovable joints - Skull Sutures - Gomphosis (teeth) b. Amphiarthrodial – Slightly moveable

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