In What Ways Do Atticus Finch and Bob Ewell Differ, and What Do They Have in Common ?

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In what ways do Atticus Finch and Bob Ewell differ, and what do they have in common ? Atticus Finch and Bob Ewell are very different caracter, they have different job, reputation,and situation in life but even if they are different they have more than one thing in common. Atticus Finch is a very polite man with very good manners, he is kind and courteous, « Is always courteous to everybody » ; is serene and calm in a general rule. He shows himself to be a highly respectful man. He is by nature a very kind and regarding man, but for this case, he has to put aside his character, and be as lawyer-like and vicious as possible «His voice had lost all its comfortableness, he was speaking in his arid, detached professional voice». He acts in a really cold way towards Mayella «Let her cry if she wants to, Judge. We've got all the time in the world.» Atticus first asks Mayella some background questions to show the jury what kind of family she comes from. It shows he is a good lawyer and knows how to handle things He is considered by all Maycombians as a good man and excellent lawyer, but Mayella is scared of him «Don't want him doing to me what he did to Papa, tryin' to make him out left-handed», so the judge turns it into a bit of a joke « Big bad Mr Finch ». He gets absolutely passionate when enacting his work as a lawyer : « He emphasised his words by tapping his knuckles on the table » and really invests all his energy in this case. He disapproved of the Ewells unjust accusation of the so-called rape 'commited' by Tom Robinson as he knows he is innocent , and tries to the best of his abilities to win this case to be able to save the poor man from death penalty, but even if he knows that the Ewels are lying he still feels compassion for Mayella, he treats her politely , « I won't try to scare you for a while...», ««... Miss Mayella », said Atticus in

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