How Did Willy Russell Create Comedy in 'Educating Rita'

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Task: How did Willy Russell create comedy in ‘Educating Rita’? Willy Russell creates comedy in several different ways. Willy Russell temporarily places a working-class woman in the middle-class world and lets her absorb an entirely new environment which points out the contrast of social order. This can be seen when Rita notices the picture of a nude religious scene which she describes with only one word. At first she says it’s ‘nice’ and then ‘erotic’ which indicates that she sees things as black or white. But Frank tries explaining to her that the picture in this case can be ‘erotic’ and ‘beautiful’ at the same time. This also illustrates the clash of cultures and the different interpretation of their surroundings. But also the way that Russell has used effective stage actions to introduce Rita and this portrays what type of character Rita is, without the use of dialogue. Frank who is "staring, slightly confused" at Rita, is shocked by her personality and this creates even more comedy. It is clear to the audience that Rita is in an unfamiliar environment. Withal, humour is triggered by the many misunderstandings between Rita and Frank. For example on page 14 in Act 1 Scene 1 when Rita storms into Frank’s office and he asks her ´you are´. Rita does not understand what he means by that. But there are also a lot of cultural misunderstandings. Throughout the conversation Rita continues to use slang, which compared to Frank's dialogue suggests to the audience that Rita doesn't have the critical language required to discuss art or literature. An example of this is when Frank is thinking of an example of assonance, and asks Rita "do you know Yeats" and she replies "the wine lodge". Nevertheless Rita tries to fit in Frank’s world by using intellectual terms. Rita however fails doing so as she uses wrong words. That kind of comedy is called malapropism. This is the
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