Hanta Virus Essay

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Hanta Virus Pamela A Harper USF Hanta virus pulmonary syndrome is a rare, but potentially lethal disease. HPS is a Bio- Safety level 4 pathogen; this is the highest level that exists. The virus is a influenza like, respiratory illness that attacks the lungs. It is obtained through contact with hanta virus infected rodents and exposure to their urine and/or droppings. The most common type of HPS in North America is the SinNombre virus. This is considered the New World, Hanta Virus. The easiest way for the public to avoid HPS is by monitoring rodent control. The rodent that gives HPS in North America are the deer mice, white footed mouse, rice rat, and cotton rat. Hanta virus belongs to the Bunyaviridae family. There are more then thirty different hanta virus species found. Twenty of these species are pathogenic to humans. These are the Sigmantinae, which are New World mice and rats, Murinae which are the Old world mice and rats, and the Arvicolinae which are voles. Some of the physical properties of the virus are that it’s a single stranded RNA virus. It’s spherical and enveloped. It is about 80-110 nanometers in diameter. Hanta virus replicates strictly in the host cells cytoplasm, when the endosome fuses with the lysosome. And capsids are released. The viral L. protein then takes the #5 caps and primer from cellular MRNA’s and transfers them to viral RNA’s. That is generally how the hanta virus replicates. The history of Hanta virus pulmonary syndrome is interesting. In the 1950’s there was a outbreak of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, which is now referred to as Old world Hantavirus, in Hantan, Korea. In 1976 hanta virus was isolated and named after the Hantan river in Korea, because a rodent that carried the virus was verified that the virus was in fact carried by rodents. In 1981 the first successful
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