Girls Like Us

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The memoir “Girls Like Us” by Rachel Lloyd is replete with sociological concepts and gives incredible insight into the disparate life chances brought about by varied social structures and mechanisms of socio-psychological manipulation that predominantly affect one group of children versus another. Simply put, social location matters. In a (5) five--paged paper, answer the following short-answer questions. Ensure that your answers are explained in a manner that reflects not only the structure of social life expressed in the memoir, but also serves to bring to life sociological concepts in your text, articles and discussed in class. This extra credit assignment is worth a total of 25 points and is to be turned in via the Angel course website. No physical copies will be accepted. Note that any form of plagiarism and academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and result in forfeiture of the 25 points in total. Please do not use outside sources other than your textbook, assigned articles and the novel. 1. According to Rachel Lloyd, what are the risk factors for the commercial sexual exploitation of both children and adults in the United States? Explain in detail. 2. Explain the complexity of choice, as it relates to both Rachel Lloyds elucidation of the choices she made and that young girls make when entering and leaving “the life”? Furthermore, how it relates to Paul Farmer’s concept of structural violence. 3. Slavery, exploitation, and violence, as manifested through ‘prostitution’, have become mainstream in the media, hip-hop and popular culture’s embrace and portrayal of being a “pimp”. Give the evidence outlined by Rachel Lloyd for this assertion and discuss the possible implications. 4. The sociological concepts of differential association, stigma, labeling and master status have all been portrayed in the memoir. Highlight and explain in detail the variety of

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