Gettysburg Address Rhetorical Analysis

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Written in 1863, The Gettysburg address is one of most renowned speeches in this country to this day, penned by the 16th president of the United States. Abraham Lincoln’s purpose is to ensure the people to work for a better country and freedom. The use of numerous strategies are present in his writing. Throughout the speech there are many layers of complexity with his words. Often he will say a phrase but it will have several diverse meanings. “Four score and seven years ago our fathers…” Four Score and seven years ago was a term habitually used in the bible. Catholicism was a dominant religion then, making him sound relatable to the given audience. This appeals to their emotions because religion was a very imperative and practiced thing in the 19th century. Our Fathers also has various other meanings to it. Several people in the audience were fathers, have fathers, and may have lost a father in the great battle of Gettysburg. That was a way to get connected with the people on a more delicate level. The use of “our ‘also gives a sense of relation with Lincoln and the audience because being president can seem intimidating and he’s seen as superior to them. In the “the lord’s prayer” spoken in catholic based churches, our father is said in the beginning. That is an additional connection to the bible which correspondingly appeals to their emotions. Often Lincoln uses repetition to add emphasis to his words. “We cannot consecrate.....we cannot hallow..” This sentence is also known as a tricolon. The repetition of similar words beginning with we ,also gives a sense of unity with the people. Unity is a main component of this speech because he comes from such a higher power than the listeners. Hallow shows another connection to the bible, hallowed grounds meaning sacred or blessed. “We cannot dedicate” is an example of how lincoln used antithesis to the
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