Freedom Riders Research Papers

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Freedom Riders sit on the side of the rode and try to recover from the smoke and beatings as the Greyhound bus bur ns Freedom Riders sit on the side of the rode and try to recover from the smoke and beatings as the Greyhound bus bur ns Continues on Page 2 Continues on Page 2 Twelve days ago, on May 4, we received news that a group of students left Washington D.C. that morning. They called themselves the Freedom Riders, they were trying to desegregate public transportation and facilities in the deep south. Two different buses left that day, a Greyhound and a Trailway. These weren’t chartered busses; these were regularly scheduled buses with normal bus drivers and everyday citizens riding. Seven blacks and six whites bordered that bus that day. The Freedom Riders goal wasn’t just to desegregate public transportation in the South, they wanted to spread the movement down into the Deep South and keep their fight non-violent. The first couple days of their ride were very uneventful, only a few disputes occurred at the stops. Their first significant confrontation was in Charlotte, North Carolina on May 8, when Joseph Perkins is arrested for trespassing as he attempts to have his shoes shined at a white-only shoeshine chair. They see their first violence shortly…show more content…
They were forced to fly the rest of the way. At the airport it was the police that were yelling at them and then they had to get off the plane because of a bomb threat. They finally left later with assistance from John Seigenthaler, assistant to Robert Kennedy. Now there’s a second wave coming from Tennessee, led by Diane Nash. Their running their ride on ‘violence cannot overcome non-violence’. The group from Nashville are quoted saying that they didn’t want to stop the movement with violence getting the best of the original group. Can this group finish the ride and reach their goals? We’ll be keeping track of their ride and keep you
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