Fracking Cons

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Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking) has been a topic of debate for a couple of years now. To Frack or not to Frack in different states is the question. There are many different pros and cons to the topic and it is still up for discussion. The environment is something that many people take for granted and really don’t take into consideration the negative effects it will have on our future and what will come from the earth in the near future. Hydraulic fracturing is a very controversial thing on whether or not we should let oil companies’ drill for oil. The main thing is that really politicians and oil companies just want more money. The United States has a lot of natural unburned gas trapped in shale bedrock, which is basically a bunch of small…show more content…
It would make available more jobs for people and would create more of an income for the government. In the United States alone, the Fracking industry has created more than 1.2 Million people, and has contributed to $385 billion in an uninterrupted flow of money within the country. Also, according to the Department of Energy it is said that natural gas resources have gone up as close to 64% because of fracking. Fracking has many pros and cons that can and will affect the states it in done in. On the health conscious side, there are many different cases in connection with Fracking that range from developmental disabilities, to asthma, to even different types of cancers. The different types of cancer are caused by the radioactive gas named Radon. Radon, due to Fracking is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United…show more content…
Although Mayor Bloomberg is very slow with making a decision on the fracking in New York City he want to make the regulations of fracking in new York city around five very critical point which are: 1. Disclosing all chemicals used in the hydraulic fracturing process; 2. Optimizing rules for well construction and operation; 3. Minimizing water consumption, protecting groundwater and ensuring proper disposal of wastewater; 4. Improving air pollution controls, including capturing leaking methane, a potent greenhouse gas; 5. Reducing the impact on roads, ecosystems and communities.” Above the many negative things, Fracking stabilizes energy prices and with the availability of gas comes the improvement of energy security. The gas improves environmental performance when it replaces coal. Fracking also creates a better more stable income and allows growth due to sale of drilling rights. Due to the drilling rights, many industries will be able to grow through the accessibility of cost-efficient fuel. The growth of these industries stimulates jobs and helps the economy, this significant rise and expansion in the gas reserves, makes it easier for the use of gas as a transition fuel. Fracking also gives us more options
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