First and Second Cybernetics

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First Order Cybernetics vs. Second Order Cybernetics Understanding the world and principles of the first order and second order cybernetics. Reality According to the first order cybernetics approach, reality is observable and ‘real’ in existence. Under this approach, reality is independent from the observer(s). They assume that it is a phenomenon that exists from ‘out there’ (Goldenberg and Goldenberg, 2004). In other words, reality is separate from its observer, so it is being understood and perceived from the outside. According to Becvar and Becvar (2006), first order reality is undeniably finite - a system shares an objective reality. Thus reality is a fixed phenomenon and its truths can be interpreted by any trained person, i.e., a professional therapist. Reality is best understood from the outside by the observer. Second order cybernetics holds a different approach. It assumes that there is not objectivity to the phenomenon of reality. Instead reality is understood as being multiverse (Becvar and Becvar, 2006). This is to say that each member within a system holds a true and valid reality different from the next member - the truth to each perceived reality can never be fully understood by any other person. Reality is thus observer-dependent – we can only provide subjective perception about an event (Becvar, 2003). Reality is formed through a process of construction – we construct it as we perceive it (Goldenberg and Goldenberg, 2004). Take for example; in a family system each member will perceive the system and its reality differently from the next member. Because of their individual differences in personal experiences, heredity and presupposition their understanding and perception of ‘reality’ will not be uniform. A therapist is unable to ‘mark’ any of the communicated truths as untrue or distorted (Goldenberg and Goldenberg, 2004). There is no objective
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