Figurative Language In Kate Chopin's The Awakening

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“The Awakening” Essay In “The Awakening,” a book with great literary merit, by Kate Chopin, a respectable woman named Edna breaks the societal barrier that was placed on most women back in the 1800s. She seeks a new identity, one that includes freedom from her family and the ability to act on impulse and not have to abide by the commands of many. By the end of the story Edna goes through many changes in her life and ultimately achieves her goal of independence. But this newfound freedom only leads to trouble and eventually death. The idea of solitude as the consequence of independence is shown many times throughout the story and sums up Edna’s life. This underlying theme is enhanced through imagery, figurative language, and characterization, but do not always provide the same meaning because these devices begin to adapt with Edna. First, the use of imagery in the book…show more content…
There is a repeated line about the sea that comes up at the very beginning of the story when she is just starting to experience her independence and then at the end of the book when the solitude she brought upon herself has taken its toll. Chopin states how “the voice of the sea is seductive, never ceasing, whispering, clamoring, murmuring, inviting the soul to wander in abysses of solitude.” This uses personification to show the oceans strength and temptation that intrigues Edna. The seas sensual and inviting voice foreshadows Edna’s eventual suicide, in which the same line is repeated. Another example of figurative language is a simile that states how “Mrs. Pontelliere (Edna) liked to sit and gaze at her fair companion (Robert) as she might look upon a faultless Madonna.” This is another flaw that leads to Edna’s loneliness while trying to achieve her independence. Although she is married, she loves Robert and views him as everything she’s
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